raus! Gemeinsam spielerisch Klimaschutz erleben.

raus! Experience climate action together through play.

At a glance

The educational project is aimed at the target group of families. The core objective is to strengthen families' ability to participate in climate protection. For this purpose, a family toolbox is being developed, made available in print format, online and as an app. After that, it will be disseminated by multipliers. The toolbox contains a collection of play-based educational activities that encourage families to be physically active in their neighbourhood while dealing with climate protection topics.


In order to achieve the political goals for joint climate protection, innovative approaches are needed that enable all people to participate in the transformation of our society. At the latest during the Covid 19 pandemic it became clear that not only schools and educational institutions serve as learning spaces, but that private, family spaces can and should also fulfil educational tasks. Therefore, families should be empowered with suitable assistances to create learning opportunities and their competence to act for climate protection should be strengthened.

Aims of the project

Targeted project goals:

  1. Strengthening the competence of action for climate protection of parents and children.
  2. Strengthening the mediation competence of parents in the field of climate protection.
  3. Enabling multipliers to communicate the program.

Methods and implementation

The project is divided into three phases. The development of the toolbox, the piloting and the dissemination. With the help of experts and stakeholders, the family toolbox is developed in an extended working group. This will then be tested and improved in the piloting phase. Here, the participating families are accompanied in the use of the toolbox. Their feedback is incorporated into the optimization of the toolbox, and at the same time the climate protection effect of the program is evaluated. In the dissemination phase, several workshops will be held with various multiplier groups (municipalities, schools, associations, etc.). Further measures to disseminate the toolbox will include a symposium, publications and workshops for families.

Project Team  

Nils Jakubzig
Sarah Spengler 
TU München: Barbara Eigenschenk 


Raus! is a collaboration between the University of Konstanz, the Technical University of Munich and municipal partners.

Duration and funding

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection as part of the ”Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative (NKI)” with a funding period of about 3 years (duration: 04/2023-03/2026; funding indicator: 67KF0201B) (total funding 343.687 EUR, Konstanz 222.726 EUR)